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Harmony Grove Library

Harmony Grove Library Logo

Library Catalogs

Print Book catalog Logo
Print Book Catalog

EBook & AudioBook Catalog logo
EBook & AudioBook Catalog


Library Staff

Anita Chives Library Media Specialist                                                  

Library Media Specialist

 Anita Chaves


Welcome to the Harmony Grove Library! 

Click here for the 2023 Summer Reading lists


K-12 Library Department

Research Resources

Gale Directory Library Logo
Gale Databases
  Gale Elementary Logo
Gale Elementary
  Pebble Go logo
Pebble Go
Britannica School Elementary Logo
Britannica School Elementary
  Britannica Escolar Logo
Britannica Escolar





Digital Resources

Google Classroom Logo
Google Classroom Logo
  Brain Pop Jr. Logo
Brainpop Jr.
PBS Kids Logo
PBS Kids
  PBS KidsGames Spanish Logo
PBS Kids Games Spanish
  San Diego Zoo Kids Logo
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Explorers
Smithsonian Learning Lab Logo
Smithsonian Learning Lab Logo
  Framingham Public Library Logo
Framingham Public Library


What's happening in the Library

I can’t believe that we are already in May.  This school year has flown by!  In April we read some wonderful books having to do with Earth Day, acceptance, “not yet”, as well as many other topics.  Please see the links to some of these books below:

Kids Book Read Aloud: ALL THE WORLD | by Liz Garton Scanlon and Marla Frazee

'The Mess That We Made' read by Kathryn Hahn

The Magical Yet: Kids books read aloud by Books with Blue

Please ask your children to show you the wonderful poetry that they created just after vacation.  Their creations were sent home in their backpacks.  Next week we will begin doing more research projects in grades 2-5.  Kindergarten and grade 1 will continue perfecting their typing skills and learning more about digital citizenship.  


At the end of May we will have a representative from the Framingham Public Library coming to kick off Summer Reading for each grade level.  We will also learn how to access some of these books online over the summer using SORA.  Please use the Library Web Page and click on the plane icon to access this wonderful resource.

EBook & AudioBook Catalog logo

It is also time to return all library books to the Harmony Grove Library.  The last week that the children will be able to check out books will be the final week in May. If a student still has a book out, they won’t be able to choose another one until all their books are returned.   Thank you for your continued support as we try to restock the library to be ready for the next school year.  If you are sure a book was returned, but it is still listed as being out, please let me know.  Sometimes the children put books back on the shelves without being scanned back into the computer in an effort to be helpful, I can mark these books as lost until we are able to do an inventory of all the books.  Thank you so much for your understanding.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at


Below are some wonderful books to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with is celebrated in May.  Enjoy!

Two New Years Read Aloud Kid's Book - Lunar New Year Bedtime Story

THE NAME JAR by Yangsook Choi (Kids Book Read Aloud 📚) | Back to School

 A Different Pond—Kids Book Asian American Heritage Short Read Aloud Story

Dumpling Dreams