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Meet Our Administration Team

Photo of Interim Principal, Julie Gelardi: Woman in front of greenery wearing a grey and white striped sweater with a pink scarf and hair pulled back with a smile.

Julie Gelardi

Interim Principal

Izolda Roder

Assistant Principal

School Information

Contact Information

Phone Number: 508-626-9164

Fax: 508-620-2965



School Hours

Breakfast: 8:50am – 9:05am

Full Day: 9:05am – 3:20pm

Early Release: 9:05am – 12:55pm (Lunch is served)

Half Day: 9:05am – 12:20pm (Lunch is not served)

Nurse Information

Taina Rocha

Direct Line: 508-782-6702

Mission Statement

Harmony Grove Elementary School Mission Statement
At Harmony Grove Elementary School, we celebrate our diversity. Harmony Grove provides an environment that develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who work to create a better peaceful world. Harmony Grove is committed to providing high quality, challenging, international education that nurtures active, open-minded, reflective and balanced life-long learners. These learners will respect themselves and others, empowering them to be empathetic, competent leaders in a diverse, global society.


Nossa Missão:
Na Escola de Ensino Fundamental I Harmony Grove - Uma Escola Mundial IB, nós celebramos nossa diversidade! A Escola Harmony Grove oferece um ambiente que incentiva os jovens a serem curiosos, qualificados e bondosos e empenhados a criar um mundo melhor e de paz. A Harmony Grove é comprometida em oferecer educação de alta qualidade, desafiadora e internacional, que cultive aprendizes ativos, de mente aberta, reflexivos e balanceados por toda vida. Estes alunos independentes vão respeitar a si próprios e aos outros, capacitando-os a serem líderes empáticos e competentes em uma sociedade diversificada e global.